Words out of the Void: January 2006

Monday, January 09, 2006


Metaphysics, vetti payal's

Freakonomics question: Why do west invent while east content?

The East has intelligently designed the Way of life which has a flavour of life negation. Everything starts with KARMA, and all your life its about profit loss statement of KARMA and when net value becomes 0, u have crossed the ocean of life and have become one with Supreme Sprit.And the invention of all times 'The Enlightment'. Yoga is to become one; sanscrit word 'yog' is unite.Life has an intangible element called soul. It sprung from cosmic sprit. So it searches the source. It says there is an endless cycles of rebirth for a soul with ego. Lose your identify and see the ultimate reality, the thing which cant be expressed in word and you will become inseperable from cosmic spirit.This design even beats MATRIX. Atleast in matrix you can have free will outside the system.

In the west the design is simple, you have one life and in the end you will have judgement day and based on Good/Evil percentage you will be put into permanent Hell/Heaven. (But dont worry GOD is merciful and he sends no-one to permanent hell; then what enjoy). So, its easier for visonaries/revolutionaries of west to be less entangled/inhibited in thought process.

East doesnt preach ambition but contenment. That sums up all. But the days are changing, east is looking west and west is looking east. Or rather distinction is blurring even by this day.

Enough for the day. GOTO SLEEP.

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